Not receiving our emails?
We are aware that some folk on our mailing list have not been receiving our invitations.
Invariably these are hiding in spam folders.
Please let anyone who thinks they may have been removed from the list know that we have not culled our invitation list.
Emails in spam folders need to be marked as safe or "not spam".
Adding our email address (breakfasts@cullen.nz) to Contacts may help.
If the invitation emails are not in the spam folder, please contact us and we can check the mailing list.
The Cullen Breakfast Club
For the past 20 years, Peter has arranged and hosted topical and inspirational speakers exploring ideas within ranging within the realms of business, arts, culture, sports, politics and more. People from within the Wellington community have benefitted from the insights and information shared by community treasurers on a regular basis at the Wellington Club.
The Cullen Breakfast Club supports our up and coming young leaders by inviting local schools to bring students along to learn from influential adults.
We meet for light breakfast nibbles, a drink and conversation before sitting down to listen to the formal address of the day.
As we operate under the Chatham House Rule we cannot post videos or transcripts of past breakfasts. However photographs and brief comments may be found here.
Our Breakfasts are very popular and we are often fully booked. Attendance can be by registration only. Please ensure you only register via the official Lil'Regie event page. You will receive confirmation of your registration by email.
Supporting Student Leaders to Attend
College students and their teachers attend The Cullen Breakfasts at no cost to them. The attendance of these young people provides a vital connection to leaders of the business, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and political communities that stands them in good stead to become tomorrow's leaders. We have a budget to enable a moderate number of students to attend each breakfast. Please consider contributing to ensure the continued presence of student leaders at future breakfasts. Donations can be made via Lil'Regie at the time of purchasing your own ticket.
Cancellation Policy
We appreciate that occasionally some of those who have booked will not be able to attend. In order to cancel or transfer your registration, please email breakfasts@cullen.nz as soon as possible.
If you’ve booked for an event where your name has been required, but can’t attend, it’s fine for another person to attend in your place as long as you let us know beforehand.
Should you wish to cancel your booking, a refund less an administration fee will be provided if the cancellation is received within 24 hours of the event commencing. Should a cancellation occur within 24 hours of the event commencing, no refunds will be granted.
We charge a small administration fee to transfer or cancel your booking. We are charged booking and transaction fees by the platform when the ticket is purchased and there is a short administration process required to change or cancel bookings. Cancellations received within 24 hours of the event commencing will not receive a refund as we cannot change our catering and seating provisions at such short notice.